2024-10-13 16:50:53 -05:00

399 lines
6.1 KiB

A branding component can ship a stylesheet (like this one)
which is applied to parts of the Calamares user-interface.
In principle, all parts can be styled through CSS.
Missing parts should be filed as issues.
The IDs are based on the object names in the C++ code.
You can use the Debug Dialog to find out object names:
- Open the debug dialog
- Choose tab *Tools*
- Click *Widget Tree* button
The list of object names is printed in the log.
Documentation for styling Qt Widgets through a stylesheet
can be found at
In Calamares, styling widget classes is supported (e.g.
using `QComboBox` as a selector).
This example stylesheet has all the actual styling commented out.
The examples are not exhaustive.
Use gammaray
/* ########## MAIN APPLICATION WINDOW ########## */
#mainApp {
font : bold 16px;
#sidebarApp {
#logoApp {
#sidebarMenuApp {
padding: 3px;
background-color: #353945;
QWidget {
font: 16px;
QTextEdit, QListView {
QDialogButtonBox {
QAbstractSpinBox {
QListWidget::item:alternate {
#view-button-back:hover {
color: #58B2D7;
#view-button-next:hover {
color: #58B2D7;
#view-button-cancel:hover {
color: #58B2D7;
#debugButton {
font: bold 8px;
color: #FFFFFF;
#debugButton:hover {
color: #58B2D7;
#aboutButton:hover {
color: #58B2D7;
#donateButton:hover {
color: #58B2D7;
#supportButton:hover {
color: #58B2D7;
#knownIssuesButton:hover {
color: #58B2D7;
#releaseNotesButton:hover {
color: #58B2D7;
/* ########## TOOLTIP ########## */
QToolTip {
background-color: #58B2D7;
font : 16px;
color: white;
padding: 3px;
border: none;
QPushButton {
font : 16px;
QDialogButtonBox {
dialogbuttonbox-buttons-have-icons: 0;
/* ########## SCROLL BAR ########## */
QScrollBar:vertical {
background: #efefef;
width: 20px;
margin: 38px 0 20px 0;
QScrollBar::handle:vertical {
background: #58B2D7;
max-height: 25px;
QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical {
border: none;
background: none;
height: 20px;
subcontrol-position: top;
subcontrol-origin: margin;
QScrollBar::add-line:vertical {
border: none;
background: none;
height: 20px;
subcontrol-position: bottom;
subcontrol-origin: margin;
/* ########## QLIST VIEW ########## */
QListView {
font: 16px;
QListView::item:alternate {
color: #58B2D7;
color: white;
QListView::item:!alternate:selected:active {
background: #58B2D7;
color: white;
QListView::item:selected:active {
background: #58B2D7;
color: white;
QListView::item:selected:!active {
background: #58B2D7;
color: white;
QListView::item:hover {
background: #58B2D7;
color: white;
QListView#listLayout::item:!alternate:selected:active {
background: #58B2D7;
color: white;
QListView#listVariant::item:!alternate:selected:active {
background: #58B2D7;
color: white;
/* ########## QLINE EDIT ########## */
QLineEdit#LE_TestKeyboard {
font: 16px;
QLineEdit#m_passphraseLineEdit, QLineEdit#vgName,
QLineEdit#m_confirmLineEdit {
font: 16px;
QLineEdit#textBoxUserVerifiedPassword, QLineEdit#textBoxVerifiedRootPassword {
font: 16px;
QLineEdit#textBoxFullName, QLineEdit#textBoxLoginName, QLineEdit#textBoxHostName,
QLineEdit#textBoxUserPassword, QLineEdit#textBoxRootPassword {
font: 16px;
#textBoxFullName, #textBoxLoginName, #textBoxHostName, #textBoxUserPassword,
#textBoxRootPassword, #textBoxAutoLogin, #vgName {
font: 16px;
#textBoxUserVerifiedPassword, #textBoxVerifiedRootPassword,
#LE_TestKeyboard, #m_confirmLineEdit, #m_passphraseLineEdit {
font: 16px;
/* ##########PARTITION ########## */
#partitionLabel {
#partitionLabelsView {
#CreatePartitionDialog {
#partResizerWidget {
font: 16px;
/* ########## PAGE_USERSETUP ########## */
#labelWhatIsYourName {
font: 16px;
#textBoxFullName {
font: 16px;
#labelFullName {
font: 16px;
#labelFullNameError {
font: 16px;
#username_label_2 {
font: 16px;
#textBoxLoginName {
font: 16px;
#labelUsername {
font: 16px;
#labelUsernameError {
font: 16px;
#hostname_label_2 {
font: 16px;
#textBoxHostName {
font: 16px;
#labelHostname {
font: 16px;
#labelHostnameError {
font: 16px;
#password_label_2 {
font: 16px;
#textBoxUserPassword {
font: 16px;
#textBoxUserVerifiedPassword {
font: 16px;
#labelUserPassword {
font: 16px;
#labelUserPasswordError {
font: 16px;
#checkBoxRequireStrongPassword {
font: 16px;
#checkBoxDoAutoLogin {
font: 16px;
#checkBoxReusePassword {
font: 16px;
#labelChooseRootPassword {
font: 16px;
#textBoxRootPassword {
font: 16px;
#textBoxVerifiedRootPassword {
font: 16px;
#labelRootPassword {
font: 16px;
#labelRootPasswordError {
font: 16px;
/* ########## COMBO BOX ########## */
QComboBox {
font: 16px;
QComboBox::item:selected {
background: #58B2D7;
color: white;
#mountPointComboBox::drop-down {
font: 16px;
/* ########## SPIN BOX ########## */
QSpinBox {
font: 16px;
QLineEdit {
font: 16px;
/* ########## TREE VIEW ########## */
QTreeView {
font: 16px;
show-decoration-selected: 0;
QTreeView::item {
padding: 2px;
QTreeView::item:selected {
background: #58B2D7;
font: bold;
QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:!adjoins-item {
QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item {
QTreeView::branch:!has-children:!has-siblings:adjoins-item {
QTreeView::branch:closed:has-children:has-siblings {
QTreeView::branch:open:has-children:has-siblings {
/* ########## CHECK BOX ########## */
QCheckBox {
QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked {
QCheckBox::indicator:checked {
QItemSelectionModel::Select {
/* ########## HEADER VIEW ########## */
QHeaderView::section {
font : 16px;
/* ########## PROGRESS BAR ########## */
QProgressBar {
text-align: center;
QProgressBar::chunk {
background-color: #58B2D7;
#debugButton {
font: bold 8px;
color: #353945;
#debugButton:hover {
color: #353945;