#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # === This file is part of Calamares - === # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Teo Mrnjavac # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Daniel Hillenbrand # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Philip Müller # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Alf Gaida # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Kevin Kofler # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Adriaan de Groot # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Gabriel Craciunescu # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # Calamares is Free Software: see the License-Identifier above. # import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import libcalamares import gettext _ = gettext.translation("calamares-python", localedir=libcalamares.utils.gettext_path(), languages=libcalamares.utils.gettext_languages(), fallback=True).gettext def pretty_name(): return _("Filling up filesystems.") # This is going to be changed from various methods status = pretty_name() def pretty_status_message(): return status class UnpackEntry: """ Extraction routine using rsync. :param source: :param sourcefs: :param destination: """ __slots__ = ('source', 'sourcefs', 'destination', 'copied', 'total', 'exclude', 'excludeFile', 'mountPoint', 'weight') def __init__(self, source, sourcefs, destination): """ @p source is the source file name (might be an image file, or a directory, too) @p sourcefs is a type indication; "file" is special, as is "squashfs". @p destination is where the files from the source go. This is **already** prefixed by rootMountPoint, so should be a valid absolute path within the host system. The members copied and total are filled in by the copying process. """ self.source = source self.sourcefs = sourcefs self.destination = destination self.exclude = None self.excludeFile = None self.copied = 0 self.total = 0 self.mountPoint = None self.weight = 1 def is_file(self): return self.sourcefs == "file" def do_count(self): """ Counts the number of files this entry has. """ # Need a name we can use like a global class counter(object): count = 0 def cb_count(s): counter.count += 1 if self.sourcefs == "squashfs": libcalamares.utils.host_env_process_output(["unsquashfs", "-l", self.source], cb_count) elif self.sourcefs == "ext4": libcalamares.utils.host_env_process_output(["find", self.mountPoint, "-type", "f"], cb_count) elif self.is_file(): # Hasn't been mounted, copy directly; find handles both # files and directories. libcalamares.utils.host_env_process_output(["find", self.source, "-type", "f"], cb_count) self.total = counter.count return self.total def do_mount(self, base): """ Mount given @p entry as loop device underneath @p base A *file* entry (e.g. one with *sourcefs* set to *file*) is not mounted and just ignored. :param base: directory to place all the mounts in. :returns: None, but throws if the mount failed """ imgbasename = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(self.source))[0] imgmountdir = os.path.join(base, imgbasename) os.makedirs(imgmountdir, exist_ok=True) # This is where it *would* go (files bail out before actually mounting) self.mountPoint = imgmountdir if self.is_file(): return if os.path.isdir(self.source): r = libcalamares.utils.mount(self.source, imgmountdir, "", "--bind") elif os.path.isfile(self.source): r = libcalamares.utils.mount(self.source, imgmountdir, self.sourcefs, "loop") else: # self.source is a device r = libcalamares.utils.mount(self.source, imgmountdir, self.sourcefs, "") if r != 0: libcalamares.utils.debug("Failed to mount '{}' (fs={}) (target={})".format(self.source, self.sourcefs, imgmountdir)) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(r, "mount") ON_POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names def global_excludes(): """ List excludes for rsync. """ lst = [] extra_mounts = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("extraMounts") if extra_mounts is None: extra_mounts = [] for extra_mount in extra_mounts: mount_point = extra_mount["mountPoint"] if mount_point: lst.extend(['--exclude', mount_point + '/']) return lst def file_copy(source, entry, progress_cb): """ Extract given image using rsync. :param source: Source file. This may be the place the entry's image is mounted, or if it's a single file, the entry's source value. :param entry: The UnpackEntry being copied. :param progress_cb: A callback function for progress reporting. Takes a number and a total-number. """ import time dest = entry.destination # `source` *must* end with '/' otherwise a directory named after the source # will be created in `dest`: ie if `source` is "/foo/bar" and `dest` is # "/dest", then files will be copied in "/dest/bar". if not source.endswith("/") and not os.path.isfile(source): source += "/" num_files_total_local = 0 num_files_copied = 0 # Gets updated through rsync output args = ['rsync', '-aHAXSr', '--filter=-x trusted.overlay.*'] args.extend(global_excludes()) if entry.excludeFile: args.extend(["--exclude-from=" + entry.excludeFile]) if entry.exclude: for f in entry.exclude: args.extend(["--exclude", f]) args.extend(['--progress', source, dest]) # last_num_files_copied trails num_files_copied, and whenever at least 107 more # files (file_count_chunk) have been copied, progress is reported and # last_num_files_copied is updated. The chunk size isn't "tidy" # so that all the digits of the progress-reported number change. # file_count_chunk = 107 class counter(object): last_num_files_copied = 0 last_timestamp_reported = time.time() last_total_reported = 0 def output_cb(line): # rsync outputs progress in parentheses. Each line will have an # xfer and a chk item (either ir-chk or to-chk) as follows: # # - xfer#x => Interpret it as 'file copy try no. x' # - ir-chk=x/y, where: # - x = number of files yet to be checked # - y = currently calculated total number of files. # - to-chk=x/y, which is similar and happens once the ir-chk # phase (collecting total files) is over. # # If you're copying directory with some links in it, the xfer# # might not be a reliable counter (for one increase of xfer, many # files may be created). m = re.findall(r'xfr#(\d+), ..-chk=(\d+)/(\d+)', line) if m: # we've got a percentage update num_files_remaining = int(m[0][1]) num_files_total_local = int(m[0][2]) # adjusting the offset so that progressbar can be continuesly drawn num_files_copied = num_files_total_local - num_files_remaining now = time.time() if (num_files_copied - counter.last_num_files_copied >= file_count_chunk) or (now - counter.last_timestamp_reported > 0.5): counter.last_num_files_copied = num_files_copied counter.last_timestamp_reported = now counter.last_total_reported = num_files_total_local progress_cb(num_files_copied, num_files_total_local) try: returncode = libcalamares.utils.host_env_process_output(args, output_cb) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: returncode = e.returncode progress_cb(counter.last_num_files_copied, counter.last_total_reported) # Push towards 100% # Mark this entry as really done entry.copied = entry.total # 23 is the return code rsync returns if it cannot write extended # attributes (with -X) because the target file system does not support it, # e.g., the FAT EFI system partition. We need -X because distributions # using file system capabilities and/or SELinux require the extended # attributes. But distributions using SELinux may also have SELinux labels # set on files under /boot/efi, and rsync complains about those. The only # clean way would be to split the rsync into one with -X and # --exclude /boot/efi and a separate one without -X for /boot/efi, but only # if /boot/efi is actually an EFI system partition. For now, this hack will # have to do. See also: # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=868755#c50 # for the same issue in Anaconda, which uses a similar workaround. if returncode != 0 and returncode != 23: libcalamares.utils.warning("rsync failed with error code {}.".format(returncode)) return _("rsync failed with error code {}.").format(returncode) return None class UnpackOperation: """ Extraction routine using unsquashfs. :param entries: """ def __init__(self, entries): self.entries = entries self.entry_for_source = dict((x.source, x) for x in self.entries) self.total_weight = sum([e.weight for e in entries]) def report_progress(self): """ Pass progress to user interface """ progress = float(0) current_total = 0 current_done = 0 # Files count in the current entry complete_count = 0 complete_weight = 0 # This much weight already finished for entry in self.entries: if entry.total == 0: # Total 0 hasn't counted yet continue if entry.total == entry.copied: complete_weight += entry.weight complete_count += 1 else: # There is at most *one* entry in-progress current_total = entry.total current_done = entry.copied complete_weight += entry.weight * ( 1.0 * current_done ) / current_total break if current_total > 0: progress = ( 1.0 * complete_weight ) / self.total_weight global status status = _("Unpacking image {}/{}, file {}/{}").format((complete_count+1), len(self.entries), current_done, current_total) libcalamares.job.setprogress(progress) def run(self): """ Extract given image using unsquashfs. :return: """ global status source_mount_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: complete = 0 for entry in self.entries: status = _("Starting to unpack {}").format(entry.source) libcalamares.job.setprogress( ( 1.0 * complete ) / len(self.entries) ) entry.do_mount(source_mount_path) entry.do_count() # Fill in the entry.total self.report_progress() error_msg = self.unpack_image(entry, entry.mountPoint) if error_msg: return (_("Failed to unpack image \"{}\"").format(entry.source), error_msg) complete += 1 return None finally: shutil.rmtree(source_mount_path, ignore_errors=True, onerror=None) def unpack_image(self, entry, imgmountdir): """ Unpacks image. :param entry: :param imgmountdir: :return: """ def progress_cb(copied, total): """ Copies file to given destination target. :param copied: """ entry.copied = copied if total > entry.total: entry.total = total self.report_progress() try: if entry.is_file(): source = entry.source else: source = imgmountdir return file_copy(source, entry, progress_cb) finally: if not entry.is_file(): subprocess.check_call(["umount", "-l", imgmountdir]) def get_supported_filesystems_kernel(): """ Reads /proc/filesystems (the list of supported filesystems for the current kernel) and returns a list of (names of) those filesystems. """ PATH_PROCFS = '/proc/filesystems' if os.path.isfile(PATH_PROCFS) and os.access(PATH_PROCFS, os.R_OK): with open(PATH_PROCFS, 'r') as procfile: filesystems = procfile.read() filesystems = filesystems.replace( "nodev", "").replace("\t", "").splitlines() return filesystems return [] def get_supported_filesystems(): """ Returns a list of all the supported filesystems (valid values for the *sourcefs* key in an item. """ return ["file"] + get_supported_filesystems_kernel() def repair_root_permissions(root_mount_point): """ If the / of the system gets permission 777, change it down to 755. Any other permission is left alone. This works around standard behavior from squashfs where permissions are (easily, accidentally) set to 777. """ existing_root_mode = os.stat(root_mount_point).st_mode & 0o777 if existing_root_mode == 0o777: try: os.chmod(root_mount_point, 0o755) # Want / to be rwxr-xr-x except OSError as e: libcalamares.utils.warning("Could not set / to safe permissions: {}".format(e)) # But ignore it def extract_weight(entry): """ Given @p entry, a dict representing a single entry in the *unpack* list, returns its weight (1, or whatever is set if it is sensible). """ w = entry.get("weight", None) if w: try: wi = int(w) return wi if wi > 0 else 1 except ValueError: libcalamares.utils.warning("*weight* setting {!r} is not valid.".format(w)) except TypeError: libcalamares.utils.warning("*weight* setting {!r} must be number.".format(w)) return 1 def run(): """ Unsquash filesystem. """ root_mount_point = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint") if not root_mount_point: libcalamares.utils.warning("No mount point for root partition") return (_("No mount point for root partition"), _("globalstorage does not contain a \"rootMountPoint\" key.")) if not os.path.exists(root_mount_point): libcalamares.utils.warning("Bad root mount point \"{}\"".format(root_mount_point)) return (_("Bad mount point for root partition"), _("rootMountPoint is \"{}\", which does not exist.".format(root_mount_point))) if libcalamares.job.configuration.get("unpack", None) is None: libcalamares.utils.warning("No *unpack* key in job configuration.") return (_("Bad unpackfs configuration"), _("There is no configuration information.")) supported_filesystems = get_supported_filesystems() # Bail out before we start when there are obvious problems # - unsupported filesystems # - non-existent sources # - missing tools for specific FS for entry in libcalamares.job.configuration["unpack"]: source = os.path.abspath(entry["source"]) sourcefs = entry["sourcefs"] if sourcefs not in supported_filesystems: libcalamares.utils.warning("The filesystem for \"{}\" ({}) is not supported by your current kernel".format(source, sourcefs)) libcalamares.utils.warning(" ... modprobe {} may solve the problem".format(sourcefs)) return (_("Bad unpackfs configuration"), _("The filesystem for \"{}\" ({}) is not supported by your current kernel").format(source, sourcefs)) if not os.path.exists(source): libcalamares.utils.warning("The source filesystem \"{}\" does not exist".format(source)) return (_("Bad unpackfs configuration"), _("The source filesystem \"{}\" does not exist").format(source)) if sourcefs == "squashfs": if shutil.which("unsquashfs") is None: libcalamares.utils.warning("Failed to find unsquashfs") return (_("Bad unpackfs configuration"), _("Failed to find unsquashfs, make sure you have the squashfs-tools package installed.") + " " + _("Failed to unpack image \"{}\"").format(source)) unpack = list() is_first = True for entry in libcalamares.job.configuration["unpack"]: source = os.path.abspath(entry["source"]) sourcefs = entry["sourcefs"] destination = os.path.abspath(root_mount_point + entry["destination"]) if not os.path.isdir(destination) and sourcefs != "file": libcalamares.utils.warning(("The destination \"{}\" in the target system is not a directory").format(destination)) if is_first: return (_("Bad unpackfs configuration"), _("The destination \"{}\" in the target system is not a directory").format(destination)) else: libcalamares.utils.debug(".. assuming that the previous targets will create that directory.") unpack.append(UnpackEntry(source, sourcefs, destination)) # Optional settings if entry.get("exclude", None): unpack[-1].exclude = entry["exclude"] if entry.get("excludeFile", None): unpack[-1].excludeFile = entry["excludeFile"] unpack[-1].weight = extract_weight(entry) is_first = False repair_root_permissions(root_mount_point) try: unpackop = UnpackOperation(unpack) return unpackop.run() finally: repair_root_permissions(root_mount_point)