
223 lines
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2024-10-13 15:50:53 -06:00
- name: "Utilities for Timeshift and Btrfs"
description: "Utility software"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- grub-btrfs
- timeshift
- timeshift-autosnap
- name: "Utilities for Snapper and Btrfs"
description: "Utility software"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- btrfs-assistant
- btrfsmaintenance
- grub-btrfs
- snap-pac
- snapper
- snapper-support
- snapper-tools
- name: "Utilities for Android"
description: "Utility software android"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- airdroid-nativefier
- android-tools
- android-file-transfer
- android-sdk-platform-tools
- droidcam
- qtscrcpy
- scrcpy
- waydroid
- name: "Utilities for IOS"
description: "Utility software ios"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- ifuse
- shairport-sync
- name: "Utilities for benchmarking"
description: "Utility software benchmarking"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- blender-benchmark
- geekbench
- gputest
- phoronix-test-suite
- name: "Application installers or launchers"
description: "Application installers or launchers"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- albert
- appimagelauncher
- aura-bin
- bauh
- flatpak
- gnome-software
- octopi
- octopi-notifier-qt5
- pace
- pace-git
- pacui
- pacui-git
- pacseek-bin
- paru
- paru-bin
- paru-git
- pikaur-git
- rate-mirrors
- rate-mirrors-bin
- skippy-xd-git
- snapd
- synapse
- topgrade
- topgrade-bin
- topgrade-git
- trizen
- ulauncher
- xlunch-git
- yay
- yay-bin
- yay-git
- name: "Power Management"
description: "Power Management"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- upower
- system76-power
- name: "Backlight"
description: "Backlight"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- acpilight
- brightnessctl
- brillo
- gummy
- light
- name: "Utilities for hardware discovery"
description: "Utility software for hardware discovery"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- alsi
- archey3
- bottom
- btop
- cpufetch-git
- cpuid
- cpu-x
- dmidecode
- duf
- edid-decode-git
- fastfetch
- fastfetch-git
- glances
- gnome-disk-utility
- gotop-bin
- gsmartcontrol
- gtop
- hddtemp
- htop
- hw-probe
- inxi
- lm_sensors
- lshw
- neofetch
- nvtop
- nvtop-git
- ookla-speedtest-bin
- pfetch
- powertop
- screenfetch
- slurm
- speedtest-cli-git
- s-tui
- sysprof
- name: "Utilities Kernels"
description: "Utility software kernels"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- mkinitcpio-firmware
- name: "Utilities"
description: "Utility software"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- auto-cpufreq
- betterlockscreen
- betterlockscreen-git
- bleachbit
- btrbk
- caffeine
- caffeine-ng
- catfish
- ckb-next-git
- debtap
- deja-dup
- downgrade
- fancontrol-gui-git
- find-the-command-git
- fingerprint-gui
- flavours
- hardcode-fixer-git
- galculator
- gammy
- google-earth-pro
- grsync
- grub-customizer
- gufw
- hardinfo-gtk3
- kbackup
- konsave
- linux-wifi-hotspot
- pacback
- parcellite
- piper
- power-profiles-daemon
- powerpill
- putty
- redshift
- simple-scan
- slimbookbattery
- solaar
- stacer
- stacer-bin
- systemd-manager-git
- tlp
- tuxboot
- tuxboot-git
- vnstat
- wacom-settings-git
- wireshark-qt
- workrave
- yin-yang-git