101 lines
2.0 KiB
101 lines
2.0 KiB
- name: "Terminals"
description: "Terminals"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- alacritty
- alacritty-themes
- base16-alacritty-git
- gnome-terminal
- gnome-terminal-transparency
- guake
- kitty
- konsole
- lxterminal
- nautilus-open-any-terminal
- oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme-git
- prot16-xfce4-terminal
- rxvt-unicode
- sakura
- tabby-bin
- tempus-themes-xfce4-terminal-git
- terminator
- termite
- tilix
- tilda
- tmux
- urxvt-fullscreen
- urxvt-perls
- urxvt-resize-font-git
- xfce4-terminal
- xfce4-terminal-base16-colors-git
- name: "Terminal Tools To Search"
description: "Terminal tools to search"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- ripgrep
- ripgrep-all
- the_platinum_searcher-bin
- the_silver_searcher
- name: "Terminal Fun"
description: "Terminal fun"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- asciiquarium
- bash-pipes
- boxes
- bpytop
- cava
- c-lolcat
- cool-retro-term
- cowfortune
- cmatrix-git
- cpufetch-git
- curseradio-git
- cxxmatrix-git
- figlet
- gotop-bin
- inetutils
- lolcat
- mc
- nixieclock
- pipes.sh
- pfetch
- python-pywal
- ranger
- sl
- slurm
- sparklines-git
- toilet
- tty-clock
- tty-clock-git
- ufetch-git
- ufetch-arco-git
- unimatrix-git
- wttr
- name: "Zsh"
description: "Zsh"
critical: false
hidden: false
selected: false
expanded: true
- zsh
- zsh-autosuggestions-git
- zsh-completions
- zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting
- zsh-history-substring-search-git
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- zsh-syntax-highlighting-git
- zsh-theme-powerlevel10k-git
- arcolinux-zsh-git
- oh-my-zsh-git
- oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme-git