Levente Polyak d0ea790c6a
fix(make): use proper dependency tracking for the build output
Declare the whole keyring data as well as the code as input dependency
for the build target. This way we can properly depend on the build
target for installation without forcing rebuilding on every invocation.

A rebuild will be triggered if either the keyring or the source code
creating the build output changes.

The directories are added to the source dependencies on purpose to
guarantee that changes like deleted files will result in a rebuild.

The mtime of the build directory is force updated on every run to allow
make to track the output artifacts mtime compared against the
2021-11-30 22:54:17 +01:00

40 lines
929 B

PREFIX ?= /usr/local
KEYRING_FILES=$(wildcard build/*.gpg) $(wildcard build/*-revoked) $(wildcard build/*-trusted)
SOURCES := $(shell find keyring) $(shell find libkeyringctl -name '*.py' -or -type d) keyringctl
all: build
black --check --diff keyringctl libkeyringctl tests
isort --diff .
flake8 keyringctl libkeyringctl tests
mypy --install-types --non-interactive keyringctl libkeyringctl tests
black .
isort .
./keyringctl -v check
coverage run
coverage xml
coverage report --fail-under=100.0
build: $(SOURCES)
./keyringctl -v build
rm -rf build
install: build
install -vDm 755 $(KEYRING_FILES) -t $(KEYRING_TARGET_DIR)
rm -f $(KEYRING_TARGET_DIR)/archlinux{.gpg,-trusted,-revoked}
rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(KEYRING_TARGET_DIR)
.PHONY: all lint fmt check test clean install uninstall