Levente Polyak f908838822
fix(trust): do not count revoked main keys for packager trust
If a main key is revoked we do not want to use those keys to count
the required trust threshold.
2022-02-25 21:36:35 +01:00

274 lines
9.4 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
from logging import debug
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from .types import Color
from .types import Fingerprint
from .types import Trust
from .types import TrustFilter
from .types import Uid
from .util import contains_fingerprint
from .util import get_cert_paths
from .util import get_fingerprint_from_partial
def certificate_trust_from_paths(
sources: Iterable[Path], main_keys: Set[Fingerprint], all_fingerprints: Set[Fingerprint]
) -> Dict[Fingerprint, Trust]:
"""Get the trust status of all certificates in a list of paths given by main keys.
Uses `get_get_certificate_trust` to determine the trust status.
sources: Certificates to acquire the trust status from
main_keys: Fingerprints of trusted keys used to calculate the trust of the certificates from sources
all_fingerprints: Fingerprints of all certificates, packager and main, to look up key-ids to full fingerprints
A dictionary of fingerprints and their trust level
sources = get_cert_paths(sources)
certificate_trusts: Dict[Fingerprint, Trust] = {}
for certificate in sorted(sources):
fingerprint = Fingerprint(certificate.name)
certificate_trusts[fingerprint] = certificate_trust(
certificate=certificate, main_keys=main_keys, all_fingerprints=all_fingerprints
return certificate_trusts
def certificate_trust( # noqa: ignore=C901
certificate: Path, main_keys: Set[Fingerprint], all_fingerprints: Set[Fingerprint]
) -> Trust:
"""Get the trust status of a certificates given by main keys.
main certificates are:
revoked if:
- the certificate has been self-revoked (also applies to 3rd party applied revocation certificates)
full trust if:
- the certificate is not self-revoked
regular certificates are:
full trust if:
- the certificate is not self-revoked and:
- any uid contains at least 3 non revoked main key signatures
marginal trust if:
- the certificate is not self-revoked and:
- any uid contains at least 1 but less than 3 non revoked main key signatures
- no uid contains at least 3 non revoked main key signatures
unknown trust if:
- the certificate is not self-revoked and:
- no uid contains any non revoked main key signature
revoked if:
- the certificate has been self-revoked, or
- no uid contains at least 3 non revoked main key signatures and:
- any uid contains at least 1 revoked main key signature
certificate: Certificate to acquire the trust status from
main_keys: Fingerprints of trusted keys used to calculate the trust of the certificates from sources
all_fingerprints: Fingerprints of all certificates, packager and main, to look up key-ids to full fingerprints
Trust level of the certificate
fingerprint: Fingerprint = Fingerprint(certificate.name)
keyring_root = certificate.parent.parent.parent
# collect revoked main keys
main_keys_revoked: Set[Fingerprint] = set()
for main_key in main_keys:
for revocation in keyring_root.glob(f"main/*/{main_key}/revocation/*.asc"):
if main_key.endswith(revocation.stem):
revocations: Set[Fingerprint] = set()
# TODO: what about direct key revocations/signatures?
for revocation in certificate.glob("revocation/*.asc"):
issuer: Optional[Fingerprint] = get_fingerprint_from_partial(all_fingerprints, Fingerprint(revocation.stem))
if not issuer:
raise Exception(f"Unknown issuer: {issuer}")
if not fingerprint.endswith(issuer):
raise Exception(f"Wrong root revocation issuer: {issuer}, expected: {fingerprint}")
debug(f"Revoking {fingerprint} due to self-revocation")
if revocations:
return Trust.revoked
# main keys are either trusted or revoked
is_main_certificate = contains_fingerprint(fingerprints=main_keys, fingerprint=fingerprint)
if is_main_certificate:
return Trust.full
uid_trust: Dict[Uid, Trust] = {}
self_revoked_uids: Set[Uid] = set()
uids = certificate / "uid"
for uid_path in uids.iterdir():
uid: Uid = Uid(uid_path.name)
revocations = set()
for revocation in uid_path.glob("revocation/*.asc"):
issuer = get_fingerprint_from_partial(all_fingerprints, Fingerprint(revocation.stem))
if not issuer:
raise Exception(f"Unknown issuer: {issuer}")
# self revocation
if fingerprint.endswith(issuer):
# main key revocation
elif contains_fingerprint(fingerprints=main_keys, fingerprint=issuer):
certifications: Set[Fingerprint] = set()
for certification in uid_path.glob("certification/*.asc"):
issuer = get_fingerprint_from_partial(all_fingerprints, Fingerprint(certification.stem))
if not issuer:
raise Exception(f"Unknown issuer: {issuer}")
# only take main key certifications into account
if not contains_fingerprint(fingerprints=main_keys, fingerprint=issuer):
# do not care about revoked main keys
if contains_fingerprint(fingerprints=main_keys_revoked, fingerprint=issuer):
# do not care about certifications that are revoked
if contains_fingerprint(fingerprints=revocations, fingerprint=issuer):
# self revoked uid
if uid in self_revoked_uids:
debug(f"Certificate {fingerprint} with uid {uid} is self-revoked")
uid_trust[uid] = Trust.revoked
# full trust
if len(certifications) >= 3:
uid_trust[uid] = Trust.full
# no full trust and contains revocations
if revocations:
uid_trust[uid] = Trust.revoked
# marginal trust
if certifications:
uid_trust[uid] = Trust.marginal
# no trust
uid_trust[uid] = Trust.unknown
for uid, uid_trust_status in uid_trust.items():
debug(f"Certificate {fingerprint} with uid {uid} has trust level: {uid_trust_status.name}")
trust: Trust
# any uid has full trust
if any(map(lambda t: Trust.full == t, uid_trust.values())):
trust = Trust.full
# no uid has full trust but at least one is revoked
elif any(map(lambda e: Trust.revoked == e[1] and e[0] not in self_revoked_uids, uid_trust.items())):
trust = Trust.revoked
# no uid has full trust or is revoked
elif any(map(lambda t: Trust.marginal == t, uid_trust.values())):
trust = Trust.marginal
trust = Trust.unknown
debug(f"Certificate {fingerprint} has trust level: {trust.name}")
return trust
def trust_icon(trust: Trust) -> str:
"""Returns a single character icon representing the passed trust status
trust: The trust to get an icon for
The single character icon representing the passed trust status
if trust == Trust.revoked:
return ""
if trust == Trust.unknown:
return "~"
if trust == Trust.marginal:
return "~"
if trust == Trust.full:
return ""
return "?"
def trust_color(trust: Trust) -> Color:
"""Returns a color representing the passed trust status
trust: The trust to get the color of
The color representing the passed trust status
color: Color = Color.RED
if trust == Trust.revoked:
color = Color.RED
if trust == Trust.unknown:
color = Color.YELLOW
if trust == Trust.marginal:
color = Color.YELLOW
if trust == Trust.full:
color = Color.GREEN
return color
def format_trust_label(trust: Trust) -> str:
"""Formats a given trust status to a text label including color and icon.
trust: The trust to get the label for
Text label representing the trust status as literal and icon with colors
return f"{trust_color(trust).value}{trust_icon(trust)} {trust.name}{Color.RST.value}"
def filter_by_trust(trust: Trust, trust_filter: TrustFilter) -> bool:
"""Filters a trust by a given filter and returns true if within the rules
trust: Trust to check for being filtered
trust_filter: Filter rules to check the trust against
True if the given trust is within the filter rules
trust_map = {
TrustFilter.unknown: [Trust.unknown],
TrustFilter.marginal: [Trust.marginal],
TrustFilter.full: [Trust.full],
TrustFilter.revoked: [Trust.revoked],
TrustFilter.unrevoked: [Trust.unknown, Trust.marginal, Trust.full],
TrustFilter.all: [Trust.revoked, Trust.unknown, Trust.marginal, Trust.full],
return trust in trust_map[trust_filter]