<!-- This template is used when a new packager PGP public key needs to be added to the distribution's keyring. It is either used by the sponsor of a new packager or by an existing packager when adding a new key for themself. --> /assign @allan @anthraxx @bluewind @dvzrv @pierre /label ~"new packager key" /title New packager key of <!-- MODIFY: Add new packager key holder's username --> <!-- Please do not remove the above quick actions, which automatically label the issue and assign relevant users. --> # Add a new packager key ## Details - Username: <!-- MODIFY: Add the @-prefixed username --> - PGP key ID: <!-- MODIFY: Add the "long format" key ID of the new PGP public key here --> - Sponsors: <!-- MODIFY: Add the @-prefixed usernames of the sponsors --> - Application: <!-- MODIFY: Add link to application, if this is the key of a new packager, else remove --> - Results: <!-- MODIFY: Add link to results of application, if this is the key of a new packager, else remove --> <!-- NOTE: Attach the above information as a clearsigned document to this ticket. https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x135.html If this is the key of a new packager, one of their sponsors needs to do the signature. If this is a new key of an already existing packager, the packager themself needs to do the signature. --> ## Checks ### New key owner - [ ] The [workflow for adding a new packager key](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring/-/wikis/workflows/add-a-new-packager-key) has been followed - [ ] The key pair contains one user ID with a valid `<username>@archlinux.org` email address used for signing - [ ] The key pair has been validated according to the [best practices](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring/-/wikis/best-practices#validating-a-key-pair) - [ ] The data in the [Details](#details) section is attached to this issue as a clearsigned document - [ ] The public key has been uploaded to the SKS infrastructure ### Main key holders - [ ] The public key has been validated according to the [best practices](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring/-/wikis/best-practices#validating-a-key-pair) - [ ] The public key has been signed by all main key holders - [ ] @allan - [ ] @anthraxx - [ ] @bluewind - [ ] @dvzrv - [ ] @pierre ### Keyring maintainer - [ ] The public key contains one user ID with a valid `<username>@archlinux.org` email address used for signing - [ ] The public key has been validated according to the [best practices](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring/-/wikis/best-practices#validating-a-key-pair) - [ ] The data in the [Details](#details) section is correct and signed with a valid and trusted packager key, which is part of `pacman-key`